Spending Time Among the Flowers

I find time in my flower garden so inspiring on many levels.

The colors, shapes, and textures inspire me artistically both for pattern design drawing and quilting. Of course Mother Nature always does it better. Flowers make me pause and just live in the moment. I like most foliage - trees, various bushes, and grasses - but it is the flowers that calm me. (Oh, not ragweed. It is vile!)

And flowers inspire me to get up move. I’m not a huge fan of exercise for exercise sake (although, I’m trying to do better), but flower gardening gets my butt out the door and suddenly, I’m doing squats, using all my muscles to dig holes for new plants, to pull weeds, prune my bushes, and to trim dead canes on my roses and rhododendrons. Best exercise ever!

My Attempt At Putting Flowers Into Repeat Patterns

I have tried to do some semi-realistic flower pattern designs: 1) Louisiana Iris, 2) Passion Flower, 3) Moonflower (with Fleur de lis), and 4) Hibiscus.

It’s always a bit of a struggle to do these floral beauties justice, but it won’t stop me from trying.

Linking to these fabulous blog parties.



The Mermaid Parade and My Husband’s Shark


Designing For Spoonflower’s New Metallic Wallpaper